Saturday, May 21, 2016

Assignment #7 Postwar Modern Movements

Postwar Modern Movements
Cao Fei 

Cao Fei is an artist who is into the idea of fantasy and crossing two different ideas into a brand new invention. When she was young, Cao took a liking to hip-hop and found that using elements from that genre to express ideals in chinese culture. Cao would film the different dances that residents of China would do when they listened to that music. This allowed her to venture into other cultures that originated from countries such as cosplay. Cosplay, when a person dresses up as a character television, video games, or books originating, allowed Cao to explain how the younger generation tries to break free from their assigned roles in society. Originating from Japan, Cao found that this form of expression showed a gap between the the young and the old. 

Cao believes that roleplaying and fantasy are both helpful for people to seek their own values. Such as when Cao began to play an online game that aided the idea of a second life. Her character, China Tracy, showed off the joys of having escaping from reality into a new one. These characters could personify your own interests in a way that reality could never do for you. When Cao made her own town in this online game, imagination was key in incorporating her own ideals.